Which is the Real Color of the Year?
I get asked all the time: 'What's the color of the year?' With so many different choices, it can feel overwhelming, even irrelevant. But before brushing aside these forecasts, I encourage people to dig deeper into why each color is chosen. There’s always a story behind it, and often that’s where the real inspiration lies. As someone who's been part of this process in my own business and through Color Marketing Group, I can tell you there’s a lot of analysis behind these selections. They're based on studying consumer preferences and predicting how current events shape future trends. It’s not guesswork or 'crystal ball' forecasting—it’s strategic work that helps companies hit the mark with colors that resonate and drive sales. Getting the right color is critical, and it’s not just about the hue. Material and finish play a big part in the equation too, and fortunately, that’s all part of the science behind the work of a color expert.
Color of the Year