Colorfuel insights to learn a little more about color or to be inspired
Breaking Down Beige
Let’s talk about neutrals. There’s quite a buzz right now about beige. Pantone and several paint companies are forecasting a shift towards warmer beige neutrals and browns. While neutrals—especially beige—never really go out of style, they weren’t discussed as much during the long reign of gray as the go-to neutral. But after what feels like an eternity with gray, there’s now a collective craving for warmth.
Colorfuel would love to help your company get a handle on your color offering. Whether it’s a small palette or large, neutral or color-filled, having the right color, material and finish makes all the difference in the sales of your product. Not only that but providing the rationale and evidence to back up the choices and enabling you to share that with your teams throughout the process of product development, that is what leads to success.
Are you Team Maximal or Minimal?
Are you maximal or minimal with color? Understand the benefits and characteristics of each. Can you mix or combine the styles?
CMG 2025+ World Color Forecast
Don’t miss it! CMG 2025+ World Color Forecast is revealed at the CMG Summit Reveal
What Can Color Do?
I posed this seemingly simple question to several of my color-focused friends in Color Marketing Group. It is a question that they LOVE because they love color. For some, color is a fact of life and not necessarily something they spend time considering. For those of us immersed daily in the business of color it is a complex topic with many legs. The point of the question was to share with you the power that exists in the best use of color.
Future Focus on Color
Part of the job of the color anthropologist is attending trade shows for research. I am constantly studying human behavior in order to forecast color and design trends, and this enables my clients to harness the power of color.
Watch your step! Stumbling down the Purple Rabbit Hole.
Noticing color and being curious can lead us down some interesting rabbit holes. This is a quick look at the color purple and its symbolism in various religions.
The World of Color
I was interviewed along with several experts in the fields of color and design for KBB magazine in their KBIS 2022 Jan/Feb issue. It is an informative piece on the mindset of homeowners in regards to color and a look to the immediate future.
How to Choose Color in Branding
Color in Branding
There is no “easy button” when it comes to choosing colors to represent a brand. If you google “color in branding” there is plenty of advice out there that attempts to explain color psychology and symbolism. Think of this as only your starting point. I believe most marketers understand the importance of color and the power of color in branding. Color touches us emotionally and is a dynamic tool to connect with customers.
CMG in Rug News and Design
Color is ubiquitous; it is as integral to life as air and water. Nowhere is this statement more relevant than with the members of Color Marketing Group®, an international association for color design professionals. Their mission is creating accurate color and trend forecast information by connecting global color professionals in their shared passion.
Magic Not Mystery
I often say that color is magical. I want to be clear though that the magic is in the power that it has, to influence and affect us. It is not mystical or mysterious in how it does this.
Telling Stories
What better way to entice than with colorful visual images that are enhanced with movement, music and tell a story!
Updating and Clarifying
If you haven’t been to this website in a while, you will see that I have made some changes. Also, my logo has had a refresh! …
Digging Deeper
What do you do to get past those moments when you feel you are letting the process drive you rather than digging deeper to find those important ideas?
Color Choices Have Power
Every color you choose in your design or marketing has the power to impact the feelings of the audience…
Happy Holidays!
If we have learned anything in this very challenging year, it is to appreciate and have gratitude for all that we have been blessed with.
Embracing My Uncomfortable By Learning and Doing
Some of my latest design projects for Color Marketing Group have started as simple graphics and then evolved into more dynamic videos. Why use a simple…