Colorfuel insights to learn a little more about color or to be inspired
Staying Connected
A fun video project and an excuse to connect with friends during lockdown.
But is it Ugly
Such a harsh word, ugly. When choosing a color, we certainly wouldn’t choose one that we consider ugly, would we? What makes a color ugly…
Top Colors at NeoCon 2019
NeoCon is a three-day event for the commercial interiors industry that takes place at The Mart in Chicago. This year’s event was June 10-12th and …
How Purple Gets its Name
Color Fun Fact. Here is a fun fact that I discovered while working on a project that involved researching the history of the color purple.
For the Love of Red
Color Fun Fact. Did you know that red hair occurs in approximately 1-2% of the human population?
What is the Secret of This Berry?
Color Fun Fact. It is called the marble berry or more scientifically, Pollia condensata and it is found in Africa.
What’s in a Name?
Is Color Naming important? While I may agree with Shakespeare’s Juliet regarding names and status, when it comes to color, I believe a name can be so much more…
Which Yellow Will Be Your Yellow?
In 2017 Color Marketing Group members forecasted the color TBD as the North America Key Color for 2019. How did we know? Did we get it right?…
6 Color Myths Busted
Sometimes we look for guidance when we are uncertain about how to tackle a color project. Some of the advice is good, some is scary, some needs to be ignored. Why not break some color rules? Get out of our comfort zone and be bold!
Inspo+convo DEVIATION
We make assumptions when seeing color, consciously or unconsciously. Color evokes an emotional response…
Forecasting FUN
I will not lie, one of the part of this job that is the most fun is forecasting color. Diving deep into the cultural and sociological trends that drive consumer’s desires…
Colorfuel Loves White
Easy, breezy whites. Well maybe not so easy when trying to select the right white, but that's where Colorfuel can help.
Colorfuel Loves Blue
Blue is the world's most popular color and it can have many moods. Colorfuel knows color and can take your inspiration and turn it into reality.
How often do you see a combination of colors that you love so much that you want to bring it to life in your home? Maybe it is a fabric or other decor item. It could be a picture or a flower. It could be…
Beyond Red and Green
I thought it might be fun to look at the history of Christmas colors.
The Big Reveal and What CMG is all about
I'm back in my office after a 4-day whirlwind of reuniting with friends, networking, future thinking and color. Whew! Exhausting and energizing at the same time…
Are You Feeling Blue?
Blue has remained a favorite color of adults in the U.S. and Western Europe since opinion polls started in the 1890’s…
Colorfuel Loves Orange
What is the feeling that you get when you look at certain colors? If it's one you love, how do you take that color and use it in your home? …